I couldn't help but notice something that started this last weekend. The all great and powerful Hillary Clinton announced that she would be putting some thought into deciding whether or not she was running for highest office in the land.
CNN lead with the story and devoted much (if not most) of the next several hours to it. I thought T.J. Holmes was going to wet his pants. Not since Walter Cronkite reported on a fateful day in 1963, have I ever seen a news anchor so emotionally involved in the story. He was almost giddy.
Fox News wasn't quite as giddy (almost to the point of downplaying the story) but Sean Hannity started in with his barrage of tiring "gotcha" questions to Clinton supporters. I enjoy Sean, but this line of questions got tiring after the 50th installment of similar questions to Kerry supporters in the '04 election.
Regardless of whether you support Hillary or not, the media coverage will be very interesting to watch. I will tell you, I will probably not be voting for Hillary. There is just too much calculation and positioning. I don't think that the American public will ever really know what she stands for. The Clinton smoke machine is hard at work and Hillary will stand for whatever the polls tell her to stand for.