Today's topic: May Day Celebration!
I look with wonder at our country when all protesters are allowed to protest without molestation even if they have broken laws to get here. I think it is no wonder that people from all over the world look to the United States as a refuge from poverty, as a refuge from political and religious oppression. It is a day like today that I see that the doom-sayers are wrong. The United States of America is a great country!
Regardless of what the world thinks of the United States politically, they still would rather be here than anywhere else in the world. That is absolutely a cause for people to be in the streets today!
Many of us would like to be able to be a safe harbor for every person in the world: the hungry in Africa, the oppressed in Asia, and the poor in South America. But there are challenges that meet humanity all over the world. Some we can stop, others we can help, and still others that we cannot.

If you would like to help a good cause, visit This organization partners with charities all over the world and gives your money to help where it can be most effective. This charity, headed by Bono, is bringing international attention to humanitarian issues all over the world. Please also remember those causes here in the United States that are well worth your support as well.
I hate to change gears on you, but I can't let it go at that....
While all of us should be proud of what the United States stands for, there is a reason that thousands of illegal immigrants are walking around the streets of our cities today. They aren't legal citizens of the United States of America--but they think they are entitled to it.
While I feel their pain, there are millions all over the world that want to be American Citizens. Why should those that gain entry into this country by breaking our laws and cutting in line be rewarded with such an honor? First of all, we are a large country, but we aren't big enough to physically hold all of the people that want to come to the United States. Our infrastructures (including water, sewer, highways, housing, and others), our economy, health system, education system, government, and law enforcement would be completely overrun. The country we know today would become a third world country in very short order. The wealth of this country would disappear. Then who would be there to help those in Africa, South America, Asia, and other continents all over the world? Other developed nations could continue to help, but by how much without the help and leadership of the United States and its Citizens? Developing nations would fall, wars would rage, and our world today would be a distant memory.
The above scenario is perhaps an extreme, but I don't see any real reason why that couldn't happen (great reasoning for an argument, don't ya think).
My point is this. We are a nation of laws. You don't get to pick the ones you want to follow, otherwise, I would follow drivers that cut me off in traffic and put bumper stickers that read "Bushie at heart" over those "Kerry/Edwards 04" bumper stickers and one that reads "Flip-flopper--Doesn't sound so bad now, does it?" on the cars with the "W" sticker on their rear window.
There are people standing in line to get into this country. Proud, honest, hard working people waiting years to get their citizenship. They are ready to start their "Great American Story." Why should law breakers, drug runners, and worse get access before those that come here legally?
Yeah, some things need to change. Maybe the amount of immigrants allowed citizenship each year needs to increase. Or maybe we need to consider a guest worker program (which includes background checks) in areas where workers are needed. An open border policy is not what Americans signed up for. In this political climate there are too many extremes and not near enough coming together.
In this bloggers personal opinion: I think a good trade off between the Democrats and Republicans would be to concede a point on both sides. Republicans should consider a non-amnesty immigrant worker program. But shouldn't Democrats start allowing legislation to limit the power and formation of organized labor unions?
To me, that's a "meet in the middle type-o-deal". Both have a positive effect on the job market. Unions are all but obsolete, and commerce and the consumers are the big losers. Companies won't be afraid to start up new operations in Union territory and will be able to afford increasing wages for entry level jobs enticing legal American workers to accept them.
Just a thought? What do you think? A place to start?
Borders need to be controlled. The argument against this, I do not understand.
I have always thought that the only way to keep a problem from continuing to happen was to fix the root of the problem. Being that Mexico and Canada are sovereign nations, we can only affect where the problem begins in the United States--at the border.
One more problem: why are there sanctuary cities? I thought that federal law trumps local law. I think I read that somewhere. Why is it that the same people who are crying for the rights afforded in the Constitution to U.S. Citizens also be given to war criminals held on foreign soil, but when it's convenient they want to ignore the Constitution when it comes to enforcing federal laws.
Circumventing the law of the land is the same problem whether it be at the border or in sanctuary cities. The proper way (and the only way I know) to get around a law is to change it legally, not break it. Now you can say you read it somewhere.