I thought this would be a good moment to interject an Almost Average American’s perspective into the current game of politics. I thought someone needed to inject some clarity into what the election of Scott Brown (photo: AP) in Massachusetts actually means. I’ve seen Democrats dismissing how huge the election of a non-liberal is in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Nancy Pelosi (photo: AP) is still promising business as usual. What they don’t realize that their “lock -n-step” army has deserted them. The people get it, but those in power do not.
I hear Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republicans taking credit for Brown’s win as if it was some brilliant political strategy and that they have now awakened the liberal voters of Massachusetts into believing the conservative ideology of the Republican Party. Hallelujah, there has been a mass conversion in the Bay State! They have almost convinced themselves that it was their incredible ideals and stand-up performance that lead to the electorate in the Massachusetts to suddenly change their mind and support the Republican party. Again, those in power are misreading the voters’ motives.

How sorry all of them are going to be in the fall. The complete disdain that is being demonstrated by the people of Massachusetts is not with Obama, it is not with the Democrats. Nor is it an awakening of biblical proportions to the ideology of the party of the religious right. The people of Massachusetts, as it is in the rest of the nation, is disgusted with the establishment of Washington, DC regardless of ideology. The closed door deal making, the bribing of the Senators from Nebraska and Louisiana, the special interest of Organized Labor as well as the Rx and Insurance lobbies have collectively turned the voters stomach. The disgust is not just with the Democrats, it is with any establishment regardless of party affiliation.
The death blow to the Democratic candidate wasn’t the elitism of Coakly, it was her promise to be a faithful Democratic soldier in the Washington game. It wasn’t the down to earth, truck driving, good ole boy, Scott Brown that won the election. It was simply that he wasn’t part of the establishment. The voters learned that lesson over the last year when a “change” or establishment candidate promised he was above it all and has miserably failed to deliver on anything.
This has been caused because the Democrats have overplayed what they thought was a mandate. It turned out to be a vote for change from the political machine of the Bush years. It has turned into a change to the bigger political machine of the Chicago based Obama machine.
The Democrats have ruined their chances for a successful 2010 election cycle. If the Republicans refuse to learn from this, 2010 may be the year for the Independent. The nation is sick and tired of being told what it needs. Congress, and the president may find out what we need is something, anything, but what is currently in Washington.