Almost Average American
A voice of what many people are thinking but are not saying out loud. No partisan agenda, just an average american perspective.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Take ALL the Guns!* (*But only from law-abiding citizens protecting their families and property)
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Stumble on History - Labor Day Weekend
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Firefighters battling the blaze at the Asche Building, home of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in March 1911. 146 people died and more than 70 injured. |
Now what I didn't tell you is that as I rounded that corner, I walked into the shade of the building and happened across a breeze that often blows between buildings down a narrow street in the city. There was nothing ghostly about the shade or the cool breeze, but I couldn't help but feel a bit emotional to stand in its shadow, to stand on those sidewalks. Today, it is a very average looking building (now the chemistry and biology building of NYU) and relatively plain except for a small plaque on the Southwest corner noting its place in history.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Effective Leadership! (Sarcasm intended)

Thursday, January 21, 2010
No Mandate on the Left, No Mandate on the Right

I thought this would be a good moment to interject an Almost Average American’s perspective into the current game of politics. I thought someone needed to inject some clarity into what the election of Scott Brown (photo: AP) in Massachusetts actually means. I’ve seen Democrats dismissing how huge the election of a non-liberal is in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Nancy Pelosi (photo: AP) is still promising business as usual. What they don’t realize that their “lock -n-step” army has deserted them. The people get it, but those in power do not.
I hear Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republicans taking credit for Brown’s win as if it was some brilliant political strategy and that they have now awakened the liberal voters of Massachusetts into believing the conservative ideology of the Republican Party. Hallelujah, there has been a mass conversion in the Bay State! They have almost convinced themselves that it was their incredible ideals and stand-up performance that lead to the electorate in the Massachusetts to suddenly change their mind and support the Republican party. Again, those in power are misreading the voters’ motives.

How sorry all of them are going to be in the fall. The complete disdain that is being demonstrated by the people of Massachusetts is not with Obama, it is not with the Democrats. Nor is it an awakening of biblical proportions to the ideology of the party of the religious right. The people of Massachusetts, as it is in the rest of the nation, is disgusted with the establishment of Washington, DC regardless of ideology. The closed door deal making, the bribing of the Senators from Nebraska and Louisiana, the special interest of Organized Labor as well as the Rx and Insurance lobbies have collectively turned the voters stomach. The disgust is not just with the Democrats, it is with any establishment regardless of party affiliation.
The death blow to the Democratic candidate wasn’t the elitism of Coakly, it was her promise to be a faithful Democratic soldier in the Washington game. It wasn’t the down to earth, truck driving, good ole boy, Scott Brown that won the election. It was simply that he wasn’t part of the establishment. The voters learned that lesson over the last year when a “change” or establishment candidate promised he was above it all and has miserably failed to deliver on anything.
This has been caused because the Democrats have overplayed what they thought was a mandate. It turned out to be a vote for change from the political machine of the Bush years. It has turned into a change to the bigger political machine of the Chicago based Obama machine.
The Democrats have ruined their chances for a successful 2010 election cycle. If the Republicans refuse to learn from this, 2010 may be the year for the Independent. The nation is sick and tired of being told what it needs. Congress, and the president may find out what we need is something, anything, but what is currently in Washington.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Today We Start Again...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Happy Holidays...

What I don't get is people fighting over what is appropriate to display or not to display. And don't get me started on the hypocracy involved in all of it. It seems that the same groups that are for "free speech" are the same ones tearing down the parts that they don't like. Free Speech is the right to offend. Free Speech is the right to criticize. Free speech is the right to give a message that others may not agree with. The ACLU will defend the right for anyone to say anything, but will make sure that citizens of a particular city or county can't display their traditions or their speech. The same people pushing for sexual educational messages in the public arena are the same groups that are pulling the religious symbols (or rather Christian Religious symbols) down. If it is not hate speech, or a vulgar obscenity, then why is there even a question? When I go into an old Italian neighborhood, I enjoy watching the old Catholic customs that they practice during a wedding or funeral procession. I would love to walk through a Muslim neighborhood during Ramadan and see the various lanterns on display of their faith. The feeling I get walking through a predominately Jewish neighborhood during the nights of Hanukkah gives me a sense of peace. Next, the ACLU will be taking away the ancient American Indian traditions in their communities in Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona. Losing the Christian traditions has exactly the same impact on our culture as it would if you took away those traditions from their respective cultures. A vital and important part of that culture would be lost.
Please, if you get the chance, take a look at a post at the Daily Kos. Read the descriptions of all of these religious symbols. Then read the one about the Christmas Tree, which in their opinion is the Christian Symbol for Christmas (I personally feel it is more secular). Why is it that all of the other symbols are very respectfully described yet the Christmas Tree (which is now apparently religious) is described like this: "We all know that the Christmas tree is really a pagan symbol adopted by our culture to honor crass commercialism at its worst. But in this instance it will stand in as a symbol of Christian rejoicing at the birth of the Savior and the enlightenment he tried to bring to the world."
This isn't just on the Daily Kos. This is the leftist blogosphere that you've been hearing so much about. There is no war on Christmas. There is a war on common sense by the looney left that has been slowly raging into the mainstream. To be honest, it pisses me off that these people are so far gone and dishonest with even the simplest of truths. What does something like this accomplish? Don't offend anyone's religion, unless they happen to be Christians.
I am sure that you will find the same kind of garbage of the far right loonies blogs as well. But to be honest, I don't know where they are because they are not spouted by the media as fact. There are a lot of right wingers that I don't agree with (You know who you are Ann Coulter). But other than her and a few like her, I don't know where to find this kind of unabashed spewing of hypocracy and hatred that is so prevalent on the left. If you know where, please let me know so that I can get pissed off about them as well. On the right, people like them are already thought of as crazies. Find me a normal right leaning person who agrees with the likes of Fred Phelps and his family of escaped mental patients (i.e. Westboro Baptist Church) and I will agree that they are far right crazies.
By the way you can visit their website at and read their page on why they are thanking God for today's bridge collapse in Nepal that has left many dead. In my opinion Westboro on the right = Loons on the left (Daily Kos, Randi Rhodes, Al Franken, Rosie O'Donnell).
Isn't it time we were honest with ourselves? I don't know if that will ever happen, but I do honestly have a wish for all of you (even Ann Coulter and Rosie O'Donnell). I wish you a very Happy New Year. And a special wish goes out to those Americans and other countrymen who are away from their families this year fighting for those all over the world. We hope you are all able to come home in 2008. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Don't Like the Time? Change the Clock!

Monday, December 10, 2007
Very Upsetting Story from Texas
This is the kind of garbage that makes it difficult for our brave men and women overseas to do their job, to earn the respect of the world, and to earn the respect of the people and nations that they are serving. Iraq is a noble cause, but it has been so messed up by the present bureacracy and administration that I am embarrassed to have voted for them. I hope the story of this young woman leaves many people in Washington unable to sleep tonight. The screams of help from this young lady should ring in every politician's and Iraq contractor's head for a long time to come.
Rape Cover-up in Iraq reported by ABC News via The Drudge Report.
I've been very critical of the media thro

Let me be clear. This - in no way - has anything to do with any group of people as a whole. Nor does this story have any relation to tactics used by the CIA in the questioning of terrorist suspects and enemy combatants. I do hope that leftist partisans do not try to draw this into the "torture" debate. But I am afraid that Harry Reid (political hack that he is) is going to blame the President and every other member of the Bush administration for every brutal detail. What is sad is that he might even get the support and sympathy of the media to go along with him. The administration is responsible for their inability to earn justice for this young lady. Only the men who perpetrated these actions (and possibly the company) are responsible for the crime.
KBR & Halliburton executives should be screaming from the rooftops for investigations and apologizing all over themselves. I am absolutely disgusted that these companies are American and continue to remain silent. The management of these companies verges on incompetency and its stockholders should be disgusted. If they are responsible for setting this culture in their organization, then they should also be punished to the full extent of the law. I would also hope that a free market would exercise its right to sell off their shares and/or replace the management if need be.
Am I speaking before I've heard all the facts? Yep. I hope I don't have to eat my words, but I could not keep silent on this.
My thoughts and prayers are with Jamie and her family.
Picture Source: ABC
Coming Back Online....
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The "Greatest" Generation

At what point do we start looking at society and start worrying about the future. I'm not talking about global warming, social security, or even medicare. I'm talking about a lack of leadership in the generation that is coming up behind me and the new generation behind that. What is going to happen after my generation is too old to lead. What happens when we are the retired and aging generation.
We have only ourselves to blame. Parents of today are corrupting our future. For evidence look no further than Lindsay's, Britney's, and Paris' parents. All in the name of entertainment and free speech. There may be nothing wrong with educating our children about the real world, but what's lacking is the education. Allowing children to make the moral choices without education is a

Who is educating our children? Is it a representative cross section of society? Absolutely not. In 2001, 34% of educators claimed to be center of the road politically. That sounds great. Until you look at the other numbers. Only 18% claim to be right leaning. A whopping 48% claim to left leaning. That's a stunning statistic. It's all about freedoms and speech, etc. That's all well and good, but there is no such thing as freedom of speech inside the family.
Who is raising our children? Video games, cell phones, the internet, and television. Teachers are running movies like "Brokeback Mountain" in middle school classrooms. Recently a friend told me that their children were taking field trips to see Spiderman 3. When I was in school it was trips to a dairy factory, a museum, or a zoo.
Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with "Brokeback Mountain." Free speech should be alive and well and I personally found the movie boring and pointless. Even for a love

Instead we end up with Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, and Paris Hilton filling the vacuum left by today's parents.