Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Today We Start Again...

Wow, almost a year since I was last here.  Maybe I'm starting to get excited about democracy again.  We've come through a very long and difficult campaign.  And it's time to put all else aside for the good of our nation, our families, and ourselves. This is the great thing about democracy - we get to start over again.  

Whether or not I agree with the President Elect, I am invigorated and hopeful.  That is something I did not think he could deliver--but he has.

Whether or not I agree with Senator McCain, I am proud of him as well.  It's now up to us to hold President Obama to his word and his speech from Grant Park in Chicago.  It's up to us, because other's won't.

I didn't think today would be a good day--but it is.  

Let's not do to this president, what was done to the past.  

Today we are all Americans.  Today we get to start over and forgive, forget,  because tomorrow counts more.  Hope, compassion, truth, country.  I had doubts that we could come together again--but we will.
