Now, don't get me wrong. I consider myself a moderate (independent-use your own word here). I'm not celebrating that misguided people are crashing and burning. What I am pleased with is that these mainstream "newsworthy" (notice the quotes) hateful and destructive voices have been marginalized, or rather been shown for what they are.
Cindy Sheehan (pictured with Speaker Pelosi, below) is selling her Crawford ranch du-jour to move back to her home state of, wait for it, California.
It seems that the left is not far enough left for her. Now, maybe the grieving process can finally get started and the healing can begin. While I have great sympathy for her sacrifice and respect for her rights to speak out. Sympathy only lasts so long, and she overstayed her welcome on our sympathies.

Perhaps the most notable (or is it notorious) collapse this week for the kos is the complete true-color exhibition by Venezuela president Hugo Chavez (pictured below) of what he is--a power-
hungry dictator. Far left = free speech, right? Isn't that one of their pillars of truth or something? What is the opposite of free speech? Closing down an independent television station? I don't know how you could get more opposite. Other than maybe harassing those that are speaking out against you--wait, what? Oh, I guess that is happening as well. Yet I've heard no comment from far left angels Belefonte or Danny Glover. All praise to fidel!

The third implosion happened as Rosie O'Donnell quit mid-contract at The View. The Diva can dish it, but walked away when the dish came back at her.
Now each event alone probably isn't worth writing about. Put all of these events together and within a two week period is almost apocalyptic. Are the Looney's falling apart? I sincerely doubt it. Debate is healthy. But, savage and hateful speech is deconstructive on both sides. It seems to be taking its toll on those involved in it. I just hope that some of the far left-speak activists are paying attention.
1 comment:
I would love to see more work from you. I love reading your blogs, but I have not seen a new one in a while.
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